Home Eye Tests

If you find it hard to get to an optician then our mobile opticians can come to your home.
Is this service available to everyone?
This service is for people of all ages, particularly those with mobility issues or mental health problems.
Mobility problems range from Wheelchair Use to Arthritis. Mental health issues range from Dementia to Autism. For more information see the list lower down this page.
Full eye exam in the comfort of your own home
With advances in equipment our mobile opticians are able to carry out a full expert eye exam in the comfort of your own home. We can visit you in your own home, flat or care home.
What are the costs of a home eye test?
If you are eligible for an NHS eye exam at the opticians then you will also qualify for a free eye test at home. If you pay privately then the cost is £60.
Choose from the latest glasses
Our mobile optician will bring our top 200 best selling pairs of glasses so if you need glasses you will have lots of choice. These range from FREE of charge NHS frames to our designer collections. You can choose from single vision, bifocal and even varifocal lenses.
If you normally receive free glasses at the opticians because you claim benefits such as pension guarantee credit or universal credit then you will still receive the same free glasses during a home visit.
If you normally pay for your glasses then our complete single vision glasses start from just £25 and you can upgrade to varifocal lenses from just £59 extra.
Receiving your glasses
When your new glasses are ready we'll pop them in the post in a package that will fit through your letter box. Should you need any adjustments just give us a call and we will come and fit them at a time convenient to you.
Request a home visit
You can request a home visit by calling us on 01274 660 099 and our friendly staff will arrange your appointment.
What is considered a mobility issue or mental health problem?
Conditions may include (but aren’t limited to):
- A condition that affects your short term memory
- Cognitive impairment
- Dementia
- Schizophrenia
- Autism
- Severe anxiety
- A diagnosed mental illness
- A condition that affects your mobility
- Severe arthritis
- An illness that requires constant medication (oxygen, for example)
- A medical reason prohibiting you from leaving your home (vertigo, for example)
- An illness that prevents a person from leaving the home unaccompanied
- A medical professional has advised you not to leave home without help
Whatever the reason, if you feel you would be better suited to a home eye test then get in touch and we can talk through the options.
Operated by ONE VISION LABORATORY LIMITED Company number 10203127 5 Shadwell Walk LS17 6EQ
© 2025 Copyright One Vision Hive & Premier Vision Opticians.